Professional Water Flow Indicator Manufacturer
  • Easy installation.
  • Minimal maintenance.
  • Automatically adjusts water levels.
  • Compact design.
  • Automatic operation saves manual labor.
  • Superior performance.
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InstruthinkExpert Water Flow Indicator Supplier from UK

The Instruthinkwater flow indicator is a device used to specify the direction and speed of water flow through a system. They are commonly used within sprinkler systems to trigger local fire alarms and alert the local firefighting department of a probable fire. When the presence of smoke or heat activates the sprinkler, the movement of water flow through the sprinkler triggers the alarm.

Water flow indicators may be electro-mechanical and thus involve the transmission of electrical signals to an alerting or monitoring source, or they may be entirely mechanical. Mechanical water flow indicators are frequently used to provide visual evidence of water flow. They allow inspectors to assess potential problems related to water flow through a pipe-and-valve system. For example, water or other substance flow indicators are commonly used to monitor whether a safety valve is working properly. In these systems, the activation of the flow meter indicates that a substance has violated the safety valve, which means that the valve is no longer functioning properly.

Instruthinkis a globally recognized UK-based water flow indicator supplier and manufacturer.

InstruthinkYour One step Water Flow Indicator Solution

Instruthinkis a professional manufacturer with 22 years of experience in production and exporting water flow indicators. Instruthinkis a registered global brand, a substantially concentrated inflow fluid control, and measurement solution. Each water flow indicator is tested and collaborated by our automatic production line providing a complete test certificate ensuring the quality of the product.

We supply a one-stop result for inflow dimension and control result. Instruthinkhas cooperated with transnational brands like Rotork, Siemens, ABB, and UK National Petroleum Corporation.  Our products are exported to over 100 countries worldwide.

Instruthinkhas enough raw materials in stock and professional technical staff that can quickly realize your unique requirements. In addition, Instruthinkhas over 20 times of product history and ten times of export experience. Instruthinkgives you the best result for water flow indicator applications.

Welcome to send us an inquiry.

video-Water Flow Indicator



A water flow indicator is a device used to determine the heading and pace of a stream of water through a framework. They are usually utilized inside sprinkler frameworks to set off nearby alarms or potentially caution the neighborhood firefighting division of a likely.

The sensors have sealed electronic counting heads, which eliminates the main drawback of meters when operating in the start-stop mode. Instruthink is one of the best manufacturers of differential pressure gauges and supplies an amount of material. Adjustment of the allowable level of instantaneous consumption. Check some of the common questions before ordering the water flow indicator:

What are the types of water flow indicators?


There are seven essential kinds of water flow indicators:

  1. Digital water flow indicator
  2. Mechanical Woltman water flow indicator
  3. Glass tube water flow indicator
  4. Sight glass water flow indicator
  5. Full view sight flow indicator
  6. Sight glass water flow meter
  7. Electromagnetic flow meter

Digital water flow indicator

Digital water flow indicators are cutting-edge gadgets with a flexible contact screen interface. They’re utilized for measuring and showing characteristics like mass stream rate, volumetric stream rate, gas temperature, environmental tension, and gas pressure.

Digital water flow indicator

Mechanical Woltman water flow indicator.


The Woltman water flow indicator is likewise a sort of a speed meter. At the point when the water stream into the water meter, the heading of the effect of the pivot of the water drops screw wing after the turn, the impeller speed and stream rate is relative to the stuff after the stuff, and the marker gadget shows the complete water through the water meter. The Woltman water meter is partitioned into two classifications: level Woltman water meter and vertical Woltman water meter.

Glass tube water flow indicator

The glass tube water flow indicator is typically borosilicate glass and aluminosilicate glass. The glass is made into a strip shape and utilized in the evaporator or a few instruments for noticing the fluid level.

Straightforward measure glass utilizes excellent material, and it is typically thick to oppose forceful climate, like high temperature, high strain, corroding, and salt. It has a clear surface to ensure the high straightforwardness for noticing the fluid level all the more plainly.

Sight glass water flow indicator

A Sight glass water flow indicator sight stream marker checks the bearing and speed and stream of the interaction material. An item introduced in a line gives a visual guide to checking fluid stream for course and exactness.

Sight glasses are designed to control the liquid level. They allow you to visually control the presence of the flow of various media in technological processes in various industries: food, chemical, oil refining, construction, and other industries.

sight glass flow indicator

What are the types of Sight Flow Indicators?


Round and hollow, or cylinder style stream marker) passes the cycle media through a noticeable glass chamber from all points, which permits more than adequate surrounding light to enlighten the stream. It is excellent for noticing process liquids for lucidity, variety, different circumstances, and the presence of dampness. It isn’t proper for high temperatures or high tensions.

A view-through stream pointer has two contradicting windows that permit the administrator to see the interceding stream of liquid as lit from behind, either by surrounding light or with a joined luminaire. This plan is appropriate for ANSI pressure classes, high temperatures, and unforgiving liquid applications.

What is the purpose of the sight glass flow indicator?


Threaded Sight Glass Water Flow Indicator with Beater Tianhe Brand Flow Indicator strives to help customers control and verify the flow of refrigerant/carriers such as petroleum products, liquefied gases, solvents, or hazardous and corrosive chemicals and liquids. Monitoring, sensing, and revealing liquids in operations to help you keep them under your control for safety and troubleshooting economically.

The type flow indicators are divided into swing-out flow indicators, paddle wheel flow indicators, floating ball flow indicators, and conventional flow indicators in our factory.

OEM and Customization are based on different requirements. We will advise and suggest the suitable types to you to meet your needs in different pressure, temperature, liquid outlet types mechanical cal sizes.

What is the association size of a sight glass flow indicator pointer?


Sizes rely upon the maker; however, for the most part, the association size of a sight stream pointer goes from ¼-inch to 16 crawls in breadth, with bigger units accessible as unique orders. Give this estimation to the provider determined in either inches or millimeters.

What materials are a sight glass flow indicator made of?


While determining the kind of materials a sight stream marker should be made of, remember the similarity of the different parts. Carbon and tempered steel are the two most normal materials utilized for the body. Tempered steel offers better erosion opposition and is generally used in drug applications.

Gasket respectability is critical to fruitful marker execution, guaranteeing that the gasket material utilized is viable with the cycle media with which it will come in touch. Standard gaskets for most modern applications are made of an upgraded PF material or Teflon.

What are the advantages of sight glass flow indicator?


  • Observation windows with a large viewing surface
  • Use of high-quality and reliable glasses
  • No moving parts
  • Control of colored and contaminated liquids.

Full view sight flow indicator

The Full view sight flow indicator pointer is an in-line (see-through) kind of sight stream marker utilized to give a 360-degree review of another material course through a line.

Full view sight flow indicator

Sight glass water flow indicator

The Sight glass water flow indicator measure is a sort of level sensor, a short cylinder through which the administrator of a tank or kettle can notice the degree of fluid held inside. Instruthink is the best company to supply all these materials worldwide.

Sight flow meter glass water

Electromagnetic water flow meters

Among industrial flow meters of various types, electromagnetic flow meters are ranked second in popularity, according to Yandex statistics on search queries. This indicator is a relatively objective indicator of the demand for this type of flowmeter. And our article will be devoted specifically to the electromagnetic flowmeter.

Electromagnetic flow meters

For the first time, electromagnetic flow meters were used in the 40s of the XX century to account for water and heat carriers at industrial enterprises. Due to its tangible advantages, such as the absence of moving parts and elements, the absence of hydrodynamic resistance, speed, and high accuracy, electromagnetic flowmeters, for the time that has passed since their appearance, have become very widespread.

How an electromagnetic flow meter works

The principle is based on Faraday’s law, which states that the voltage induced on any conductor when it moves at right angles through a magnetic field is proportional to the speed of that conductor. The faster the conductor moves relative to the magnetic field, the higher the voltage will be.

EMF (electromotive force) of induction E is proportional to the average fluid flow rate V, the inner diameter of the primary converter D, and magnetic induction B. Knowing the value of B and D, you can calculate the value of the flow rate and flow rate Q.

What are the Areas of Use for the Electromagnetic Flow Meter?

An electromagnetic flow meter is used in chemical production, energy complex, food industry, and other industries. It is designed to account for:

  • Corrosive acids, alkalis, is, and mixtures
  • Waste and sewer water
  • Non-Newtonian fluids
  • Contaminated liquids at metallurgical enterprises.


What are the options for an electromagnetic flowmeter?

The meter is made of different materials, depending on the properties of the measured and the environment. If it is neutral, then stainless steel is chosen for the electrodes; if it is aggressive, the electrodes are made of titanium, tantalum, platinum-iridium, and other stable alloys.

The flow part of the device is covered with a material that prevents the discharge of ions during their contact with a metal pipe. For non-aggressive liquids and low temperatures, ordinary technical rubber is suitable. If the operation of the equipment is planned in an aggressive environment, the lining is made of various fluoroplastics or ceramics (for abrasive environments).

What are the advantages of an electromagnetic flowmeter?


  1. stable operation since they have no moving parts;
  2. possibility of application on large diameter pipelines;
  3. low coefficient of resistance to flow, which reduces pressure losses in the measuring section;
  4. the ability to operate in a wide dynamic range (1:100) and higher;
  5. work at the minimum lengths of the required measuring sections.

What are Connecting the electronics in the electromagnetic flowmeter?

Three wires are used for connection:

  • Red for Vcc
  • Black for GND
  • Yellow for pulse output.

Two digital pins can be used as an interrupt for Atmega 328-based boards like the Arduino UNO and Seeeduino V4.2. We use pin D2 to detect the pulse output of the water flow sensor. Using the Seeeduino + Grove base screen, connect the water flow sensor to the D2 connector. Using another Arduino board, use the jumpers to connect to the correct pin.

What is the lining of the electromagnetic flow meter?

Since the flowmeter is in direct contact with the liquid, a lining is installed inside the pipe section. It protects the body of the product, which is usually made of ordinary steel with a powder coating.

The liner material can be hard rubber (hard rubber or HR), soft rubber (soft rubber, referred to as SR), polyurethane, and PTFE (better known as Teflon). Hard rubber is the standard solution for cases that do not require unique materials.

SR is used at low temperatures, where a harder counterpart can crack. But it is susceptible to the presence of an abrasive. Polyurethane is denser than the previous ones but is an expensive material. It is used in aggressive environments. Teflon is the record holder in terms of cost, but the most durable of the materials presented.

What is the installation of electromagnetic flowmeters?

Typically, magnetic flowmeters use a simple flange connection. The so-called sandwich is less commonly used. In Russia, it is called a wafer connection. This method of installation is complex and requires special care. The slightest mistake with this type of installation can lead to an uneven device position. At best, this will lead to measurement errors, but there is a high risk of equipment failure.

The clamp connection is the standard in the food and pharmaceutical industry. The advantage of this installation is the ability to remove the product for maintenance quickly.

Also, in the food industry, “milk nut” is standard. The threaded nut, equipped with a seal, is screwed onto the pipeline and can also be easily removed.

The simplest type of installation is the usual thread on the measuring section of the device, which is screwed onto the end of the pipeline.

To install a flowmeter, the diameter of the pipe section is essential and electromagnetic flowmeters are more sensitive to it than others.

The cross-section is usually denoted as DN (nominal diameter, DN). It, though conditional, but a precise series of designations.

It should be understood that the remote control does not ideally display the diameter of the pipe. This is because all pipes are manufactured according to the manufacturer’s standards, and there is no single one among them.

How does it work? There are two main parameters – outer diameter and wall thickness. The most important is the inner diameter, which must match the measuring section of the magnetic flowmeter.

Connection standards are fundamental; this point must be immediately specified when ordering delivery. It is especially critical for flanged connections because There are a lot of flange production standards.

What is the Purpose of water Flow Indicators?


Liquid flow sensors:

The flow indicator SF2-2 measures the flow rate in the forward and reverse directions with the same accuracy, which significantly simplifies the installation of the device on the pipeline since it is not necessary to observe the conditions of the flow direction.

BSCT is the best company for this type of pulse-type signal output that is compatible with a large number of modern logic devices. Visibility of the rotor is available for all 360°—excellent performance characteristics (operating temperature of the medium.

Inspection of liquid flow The SF2-2 combines visual inspection capabilities in the field and measurement of the flow rate in the pipeline.

Flow monitoring allows you to monitor:

  • The presence of liquid in the pipe;
  • The nature of the movement of the liquid: constant flow, jerks, etc .;
  • External characteristics of liquids: consistency, color;
  • The purity of the liquid and the absence of foreign impurities in it.

Fluid flow control with a pulse output signal allows you to monitor:

  • Fluid flow
  • Flow rate, etc

Below are the benefits of SF2-2 Fluid Flow Indicators:

  1. Rugged and reliable construction.
  2. Easy installation on the pipeline with a threaded connection.
  3. Excellent value for money/functionality.
  4. Does not require constant maintenance.
  5. The presence of a convenient rotor for monitoring the flow.
  6. Output with pulse output proportional to flow.
  7. Excellent performance characteristics (temperature range, operating pressure, resistance to various influences).

How do water flow indicators work?

The flow indicator is a sight glass assembly installed on the pipeline and allows visual monitoring of the flow. For greater convenience and clarity, a rotating rotor is installed inside the device, which allows you to see the movement of the flow and even determine its direction.

In addition to visual control on-site, the remote control is possible due to a pulse output proportional to the flow passing through the impeller of the flow sensor.

What are the Specifications for water flow indicators?

  • Materials of the central units in contact with the working fluid:
  • viewing window: polysulfide window and fluoroelastomer O-ring;
  • body: brass;
  • mounting pin: ceramic;
  • rotor: PPS;
  • The maximum value of the viscosity of the working medium.

What is the process of installation and maintenance of water flow indicator?

  1. The flow indicator can be installed from the horizontal to a vertical position for different needs without problems.
  2. The flow indicator is installed directly on the pipeline without any special precautions, except paying attention to the flow direction.
  3. The flow indicator needs to clean the surface, especially the sight glass, regularly and replace the glass according to your needs. After a long time, it is easy to replace the seal to prevent leakage, customers or our factory.

Installation process of flow meter

What is the role of water meter depressurization in water flow Indicators?

This defect in the water supply equipment also leads to an overestimation of the meter. Air passes through the machine together with water, which adjusts the numerical values on the dial upwards. As a result, there is a large consumption of cold or hot water, depending on which water meter is faulty. Hence the overcharge for water services.


The constant increase in tariffs for hot and cold-water supply and the adoption of a law on the mandatory installation of water meters in an apartment or house is nothing more than a desire to save, unfortunately, the exhaustible resources of our planet. Moreover, in Europe, for a long time and confidently applied a similar method with concern for the environment. The consumption of hot and cold water in large volumes without significant savings is considered the norm, especially in cases where users have a solid financial footing and can afford the luxury of high monthly water consumption.

If you want to contact the BSCT company with any queries regarding products like pressure gauges and many more. So, you can email us at or directly call us at our number +86-15052699328.


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