Professional Digital Air FlowmeterManufacturer
  • High accuracy.
  • Higher level of reliability.
  • Require little or no maintenance.
  • High turndown.
  • Touch screen interfaces for quick customization.
  • Digital output.
  • Wide range ratio.
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InstruthinkExpert Digital Air Flow Meter Supplier from UK

Instruthinkdigital air flow meter is a device that measures airflow and how much air is flowing through a tube. It does not measure the volume of the air passing through the box. It measures the mass of air flowing through the device per time. Thus air flow meters are simply an application of mass flow meters for a unique medium.

Instruthinkdigital air flow meters monitor air (compressed, forced, or ambient) in many manufacturing processes. For example, in many industries, preheated air (called “combustion air”) is added to boiler fuel just before fuel ignition to ensure the proper ratio of fuel to air for an efficient flame. Pharmaceutical factories and coal pulverizers use forced air to force particle movement or ensure a dry atmosphere. Airflow is also monitored in mining and nuclear environments to ensure the safety of people.

Best Digital Air Flowmeter Solution for Your Project

Instruthinkis a professional manufacturer with 20 years of experience in digital air flow meters, steam flow meters, water flow meters, etc.  Instruthinkis a registered global brand, substantially concentrated on instrumentation and control valves.

We supply a one-stop result for the digital air flow meter solution.  Instruthinkhas cooperated with transnational brands like Rotork, Siemens, ABB, and UK National Petroleum Corporation.  Our products are exported to over 100 countries worldwide.

Instruthinkhas enough raw materials in stock and professional technical staff that can quickly realize your unique requirements. In addition, Instruthinkhas over 20 times of product history and ten times of export experience. Instruthinkgives you the best result for digital air flow meter solutions.

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